Drama - credits include...
‘Paradise Males’ short comedy
dir: Andy Devonshire (special selection Raindance 2014 and Austin Film Festival)
‘Give’ short drama
dir: Ewan Bailey (with Sarah Smart & Sam Spruell)
Winner of Golden Palm 2014 Mexico Film Festival, official selection Sidewalk and Arizona film festivals
‘DeafBlind’ short drama (shot on Red)
dir: Ewan Bailey (with Maxine Peake & James Young)
Winner Sidewalk 2012, Miff Awards & Oxford Film Festival 2013
‘Peace’ short(Pro35/primes)
dir: Andy Devonshire (starring Rufus Hound)
‘Flash Back’ short (Varicam/pro35/primes)
dir: Martin Pavey
‘The Key to Life Itself’ Short (35mm)
dir: Stefan Gates
‘Stiff Drink’ Short (super 16)
dir: Steve Hore, Bruce Dunlop Associates
‘The Third Party’ (super 16)
dir: Emma Hindley, Ch4/Fulcrum
‘The Bodger’ 30min children’s drama for the screen (16mm)
dir: Gina Marsh/Julia Daly, Arts Council